Apple explains respectfully why purchasing iPhone covers is a waste of money.

Apple explains respectfully why purchasing iPhone covers is a waste of money.

You employ one because you employ one, correct? You have no faith in yourself. Apple argues that perhaps now is your chance to shine.

iPhone covers is a waste of money.

This has been happening for a while.

I don't know when the behaviour started, but it seems to have been embraced by the vast majority of people.

No, I'm not referring to Instagram photographs of your frilly dessert. This is much more basic. This tendency to cover your phone with a case is present.

Your phone looks gorgeous when you first purchase it. like in the advertisements. But to cover up its vileness, you subsequently purchase a horrible $20 piece of rubber.

Are you terrified of dropping it, therefore you do it? Or do you trick yourself into thinking that a case will make your expertly crafted phone stand out?

Certain examples are indeed very interesting. Who wouldn't want their phone to be covered in sparkles? Who doesn't get a gorgeous blue iPhone and cover it in a hideous black cape?

Apple may have had enough of this, I worry. more than sufficient.

Ever notice an Apple executive encasing their iPhone? You haven't, in fact. However, even that illustration is insufficient. In order to assist you wean yourself off of your unaesthetic, anti-aesthetic conduct, the corporation has now created an advertisement. On the edge of a table, an iPhone 13 is perched. It has no merit. It starts ringing.

You are aware of what occurs when an iPhone is placed on a hard surface and vibrates. It trembles. It starts moving. If you leave it spinning on your kitchen counter, it will act just like a salad spinner.

Here, though, you are aware of what is about to occur. You move forward to the ominous music.

Do we get to see what condition it's in when it hits the ground? Not us. However, as it continues to ring, we must assume nothing untoward has occurred.

"a 13-inch iPhone with Ceramic Shield. stronger than the glass of any smartphone. Unwind, it's an iPhone "Apple claims. You see? Apple is communicating with you. Get your cloaks off. Do not fear. Live fully by removing your veil. If only you could let go and contribute a little to the beauty of this planet. You understand, to offset all its ugliness.

When iPhone cases first became popular, these ideas crossed our minds: "Comparable to purchasing an Audi, coating it in rubber, and spray-painting flames down the side, putting your iPhone in a case. It's like to asking for ketchup in a three-star Michelin restaurant. It's like blowing bubbles at the priest while chewing gum at church."
I believe Apple is finally supporting my solo cause.

Get your iPhone free. Free your Android device. Display your beautiful phone to the world. Show the world that you have enough confidence in yourself to avoid smashing your phone when you drop it. Trust yourselves, people.

These smartphones are a vast improvement over earlier models. Not the iPhone cases.

Release your iPhone. Right? We all believe in freedom.

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